Mental Foundations for Success Parts 1-3


Video 1- Mental Foundations for Success

Video 2- Key Elements of Mind Power

Video 3- The Love/Fear Paradigm

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Part 1 - Mental Foundations for Success

Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind:

There are two primary levels of your awareness and intelligence that all people have. The conscious mind controls 10% of our waking actions while the subconscious controls the other 90%. This video details how we can strategically gain mastery of your mind’s hidden potential to unlock our own creative powers.

The Law of Mind:

This mental law states “what you think you feel, what you feel you imagine, and what you imagine you become.” In this video, we will discuss this formula of creation and ways to become aware of your unlimited mental powers.

Knowledge vs. Understanding:

There is a difference between knowing something and understanding how to apply that knowledge. In order to become the best version of yourself, one must develop the ability to trust the small, still voice within and take action. This video will bring clarity to the old adage that states, “in all thy getting, get understanding.”


Part 2 - Key Elements of Mind Power

The Power of Imagination:

You have two levels of vision: one is external and one is internal. Your inner vision guides your outer vision, and has the ability to take you from where you are to where you want to be. In this video you will learn how you can utilize your inner vision to successfully achieve all of your goals.

The Power of Emotions:

You do not always remember what someone said or did, but you will always remember how they made you feel. Emotions are an amazing creative force, but we must know how to harness the energy of our emotions and direct them where we want them to go. In this video we will discuss ways to focus your emotional energy in positive ways so that you can empower positive results in your life.

The Power of Words:

When you speak, you release tremendous creative power into the universe that is released in the form of vibration that has infinite potential. You sow mental seeds every time you open your mouth, so be sure that you are planting seeds for the fruit that you will enjoy eating in the future. This video will discuss the creative power of words and how to use them for your greatest good.


Part 3 - The Love/Fear Paradigm

The Cousins of Love:

Everyone has their own definition of love, but it is foundationally a high vibrational energy. When your thoughts are love-based, you learn to trust yourself and will quickly build self confidence. In this video we will discuss how taking action in love is key to your long-term success.

The Cousins of Fear:

Everyone has their own definition of fear, but how do we identify the core attributes of fear in action within our own lives? When your thoughts are fear-based, you cannot trust yourself and can quickly erode your self confidence. We will discuss how consistently taking action in fear will hinder your long-term success.

The Whiteboard of Character:

This exercise will take you through the powerful process of identifying your core beliefs, and yes that means the good and the bad. Once you are done with this process you will be ready to release every negative idea that is holding you back from living your best life! This video will demonstrate the truth that all success is a mental game.




“I think a lot of people go through life really trying to do that, trying to unlock things within themselves. They might know that they can unlock their hidden potential, but sometimes you need somebody there that has a good understanding and is willing to take you alongside them. William does this.”

-Ben Juarez